Friday, November 27, 2015

The week has been a cascade of clashing opinions around the world and on Africa social media to be specific. There's been debate and counter debates on the logic of using the watermarked France flag over facebook profile profile. An issue I stood against and spoke on the offensive of and back to today, also on the newly but old agitation by our eastern brothers on Biafra and the clamor for arm struggle by Nnamdi kanu, the now supposed to be free but still jailed for not meeting up with bail conditions. 
I've sat down, pondered and reasoned over all the travails of the happenings of recent, all that has been transpiring of late in our modern society - the world, the one we all agreed is a global village and I keep wondering WHY all these happen in a village and some hamlets stand looking. I wonder WHY people don't ask WHY. WHY as we all know is the Ultimate philosophical question. A society who don't ask why are trapped in the grips of stagnancy. 

Like I've insinuated before, A lot of issues have risen and have fallen on the way forward to quench this problem(s) bedeviling us and I think the genesis of the situation has not yet been pinpointed. We need know to the cause of all these. We need know the actors, especially the one that acts our friends and are actually the real foes. We need know the tools, the demands, the instigators, the facts and above all the motive behind this callousness. 

At moments like this I ask myself, Are we sure we ain't been too forward to lay blames like wreath at the graveyard of the dead on the doorsteps of the innocent or maybe not too innocent? 
Are we sure we are not caught up in the abyss of pointing accusing fingers to those who are only playing to the tunes of the piper - the very hidden masters? These are pressing questions that needs urgent answers and I'm left in my world of thoughts I came up with more than just an answer. A little above things we can think of and work on to justify a means to an end to this menace.

I've asked are we been fooled by the west or do they have this premonition that the black man and all others with no long nose and curly hairs are imbeciles whose Intelligent quotient are on the ground level of the IQ hierarchy. 

To all these I say, the guns in our hands is also the same in the hands of our enemies - the terrorist, the thieves, the serial killer, the criminals,  and you're still wondering who are the real enemies.
The western world manufactures all these and it's no longer hidden truth that they're our real enemies. You watch Catalan and Quebec pursue an armless struggle but yet they watch south Sudan and north Sudan fight endlessly with guns and bombs and rockets. The whiteman won't let these weapons get into the hands of their rebellious brother in Quebec(Canada) and Catalona(Spain).
They profit on the bloods of humans especially if your skin ain't pale and hair ain't long, that's just why they speak speeches longer than Nile river and cry more than the rain in the rain forest but above all, all these are lies, gimmicks to fool those who they can fool.
They'll make wars linger for long because their artillery industries must sell and citizens must have a job and taxes must come in and for all these to happen, there have to be war in Africa or Asia or anywhere else the skins are not white and their language ain't sexy. Don't get me wrong I still don't see the reason or bravery behind you killing your fellow human, whether it's your race or not. It's the height of cowardice and so painful it happens and I see these killers as fools and weakling playing like pawns, like zombies whose mind is now encrypted with senseless. This is how I see the world from my very eyes. 
Be wise and Say no to western imperialism covered with hypocrisy called western empathy. 

Emmanuel Kelechi Ejionye writes from Abuja and he is a Writer, speaker, activist, grassroot leader, photographer, humanitarian and many more. He's also a graduate of Engineering from the prestigious University of Nigeria. He can be reached through 
Facebook: Emmanuel Kelechi Ejionye 
Twitter: @kaycee_ejionye
Phone: 07036344833

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